Command & Control
Innov’up Tech & Secours – Critical communications
As part of the Innov’up Tech and Rescue experimentation call for projects launched in June 2021 by Région Île-de-France, bpifrance et Atraksis, the French fire brigade SDIS95 and Green Communications are experimenting a direct mode communication system with mobile services.
The deployment of an on-demand communication network with its on-board services allows firefighters to communicate and exchange even when the traditional digital communications are limited.
The SDIS 95 and Green Communications are experimenting with portable equipment to be placed during a mission, allowing an alternative communication vector to be set up in the context of a highly degraded or non-existent network, with the Push2talk application operating without a central server.
The possible use cases will be cavities and quarries as well as deep and complex infrastructure elements where no communication network is operational.
Despite strong interactions with the surrounding wifi networks, the first tests have been conclusive.
The current regulations concerning the emission power of these networks limit the experimentation in relation to the needs of the SDIS 95.
In order to overcome this constraint and to increase the number of resignations, we have initiated a request to ARCEP with the aim of obtaining an exemption.
In May 2022, a second phase of tests is scheduled on a natural site.
It will allow to confront this technology with the realities and constraints of underground environments and to test the improvements to the Push2talk application made by Green Communications.