Command & Control
Innov’up Tech et Secours – Indoor location
As part of the Innov’up Tech and Rescue experimentation call for projects launched in June 2021 by Région Île-de-France, bpifrance et Atraksis , the project conducted with two French fire departements SDIS 77 and SDIS 78 seeks to locate rescue teams in all types of infrastructures.
The McLloyd, TRAAK, Wheere, consortium has developed disruptive technologies, 100% French, which enable indoor and underground localisation and the transmission of the location to the surface.
The solution has a significant safety potential for the fire and rescue services when it is deployed in a city. A specific solution for firefighters is being worked on jointly with the SDIS 77 and 78 fire departments to ensure a response to operational issues and constraints.
Indeed, thanks to its metric precision, it allows a command unit on the surface to track the geolocation (and other biometric data) of firefighters and thus ensure their safety. The aim is to provide French fire and rescue services with a robust, sovereign and reliable solution that has been tested in operational environments.
The first phases of indoor and underground location tests were finalised at the end of May 2022 and showed very promising results. Following the results obtained, the teams are working with both SDIS 77 and 78 departements on the deployment over a larger area in the Île-de-France region. They are also working on tests in simulated operational conditions with the development of a visualisation tool and a prototype tracker.